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Bi-weekly Update on the Current Situation in Myanmar (15-04-2024 to 30-04-2024)

Writer's picture: Myanmar Mission To UNMyanmar Mission To UN

Bi-weekly Update on the Current Situation in Myanmar

(15-04-2024 to 30-04-2024)

Over three years ago, on 1 February, 2021, the Myanmar military attempted an illegal coup, toppled the civilian government, and unlawfully detained State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint, and other senior members of the civilian government, parliamentarians and activists. Since then, the Myanmar military has ignored the will of the people of Myanmar, placed the country in turmoil, and made people suffer as a result of its inhumane and disproportionate acts.

As of 30 April 2024, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), the military has ruthlessly killed 4,957 people and arrested 26,588 people. Among those being arrested, 20,375 people remain in detention and 166 people have been sentenced to death, including 119 post-coup death row prisoners and 43 in absentia since 1 February 2021, when the military unleashed systematic and targeted attacks and violence against innocent civilians. Four democracy activists who were sentenced to death were executed by the military junta in July 2022.

Crimes committed across Myanmar by the junta troops and its military wings

Crimes perpetrated by the junta troops and its associates, militias across Myanmar include extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, sexual violence, enforced disappearances, and targeted attacks against civilians, including children. These atrocities have led to widespread displacements, destruction of civilian properties, and a climate of fear and insecurity among the civilian population. The junta's brutal, widespread and systematic tactics are aimed at suppressing dissent and maintaining its grip on power, regardless of the human cost and violations of international law.

Junta implements forced conscription amid crackdown, extortion, and youth abductions

According to the AAPP, the military junta has been compiling lists of individuals for the second round of conscription training in various regions and states. In addition to this, family members of those avoiding the draft are being detained as hostages. Local administrative teams, operating under the orders of the junta in Bago, Ayeyarwady, and Mandalay Regions are exploiting the Conscription Law to extort money. Meanwhile, in Magway Region, junta forces are forcibly taking young people for conscription, causing many youths to flee for their safety.

Exemptions from conscription for employees of military-linked companies

According to the news from Myanmar Now, companies with military ties are reportedly making arrangements with junta to ensure that their staffs are exempted from being conscripted. News reported that heads of industrial zones in Yangon recently held an alleged meeting with the junta-appointed chief minister for the region, coming to an agreement that “important” employees from the sites would not be recruited into the military. During early May, a member of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) told Myanmar Now that the military had demonstrated some flexibility towards these employers since announcing the reinforcement of the conscription in this February. According to an individual, some chairpersons of industrial zones have been assuring their staffs of irregular exemptions achieved during the meeting with the junta’s representative.

At the same time, some of the garment factory workers working in the industrial zones were taken away by the junta during their arrival and departure from work and put into custody for military service. Owner of a factory claimed such incident as typical and far worse than drawing a lottery for conscription. Several factory workers were abducted and recruited into the army before they even reached home from work. Business owners have reportedly proposed providing the junta with identification documents of staff to prevent them from being targeted in such acts. A source within the federation stated that other known “crony companies,” including banks, are urging UMFCCI to submit pleas to the military council to protect their employees. A recent report by the Ayeyarwady Region-based Delta News Agency claimed that the military council had agreed to exclude staff members from select junta-linked companies after some 100 employees at Mytel—a telecommunications venture owned by the military—resigned after the annoucement of the mandatory conscription. Mytel allegedly issued a notice to its staff informing them that they would not be conscripted as long as they continued to work for the company following a negotiation between its leadership and the military council, Delta News Agency stated.

Indiscriminate airstrikes and artillery shellings on civilian areas

Civilians being killed during airstrike by the terrorist military junta in Loikaw Township

News reported that the terrorist military forces dropped two 300 lbs bombs from their SU-30 fighter aircraft on Konethar Village, Loikaw Township, Karenni (Kayah) State at around 11 am on 20 April 2024. According to an announcement issued by the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government on 22 April 2024, there was no conflict in the area. One of the bombs landed on a house in the northern part of the village, resulting in the tragic deaths of a family of six, including two children, and completely demolishing the building. Additionally, twenty civilians in the vicinity sustained injuries, and twenty other buildings, along with one car and one motorcycle, were damaged. Konethar Village, with a population of over 700 and nearly 200 buildings, was targeted by the terrorist military council despite the absence of any conflict in the area. The NUG condemned this act as a blatant war crime.

Junta’s artillery shells destroyed the entire Sue Chuange Village in Rakhine State

According to news report from Radio Free Asia (RFA), almost two hundred houses in Sue Chuang Village were destroyed when the military council army's artillery shell exploded inside the village. In this Sue Chuang Village where most of the Chin people live in Ann township, only one or two houses among two hundred houses were left. The military junta is responsible for the intense battle in Sue Chuang Village, resulting in houses being shot at, collapsing, and burning. The situation worsened due to the absence of inhabitants. More than seven hundred local residents are still fleeing their homes due to the intense fighting. Some residents have been injured by heavy weapons. No information was verified by RFA at the time of reporting.

Junta burned down four villages in Matara Township, Mandalay

According to news report, an official of the Public Defense Force of Mattara Township said that on 27 April 2024, the junta troops entered Mattara Township of Mandalay Region and burned down four villages. A spokesperson of Matara Township Public Defense Force Ko Bo Gak told RFA that the total number of houses burned have not been identified. Among those four villages being burned down were Palm Tree and Hinthakone Villages. In Hinthakone Village, 120 homes were destroyed by fire. The exact number of houses being destroyed in the rest of the village has not been counted and the battalion involved in this arson was not announced at the time of reporting. Reportedly, there was no fighting in Mattara Township and the residents were fleeing for safety due to entering of junta column into the village.

Data For Myanmar, a group that monitors and records burning situations after the military coup reported that as of 15 April 2024, more than 80,000 homes have been burned down across the country in last three years since the coup.

Three civilians killed in junta airstrikes near Sagaing Region’s border with India

News reported that on 22 April 2024, junta bombed Khampat Town in Sagaing Region, as well as Villages in Kalay Township around 15 miles south. According to Myanmar Now’s report, around 2 am on 22 April 2024, the military aircraft struck Khampat Town which is under the control of National Unity Government (NUG) and located in Tamu Township near the Indian border. This attack killed three people including 18-year-old Kyein Shint Nwam and 38-year-old Paung Lein Htang, residents of the town’s first ward and injured several more. Myanmar Now also reported that around two bombs fell in Ward 1 of Khampat, causing bodies to be blown away by the force of the explosions. The victims were from different households. Another airstrike at the same time targeted Saw Bwar Ye Shin Village, on the road connecting Kalay Town with Tamu, as well as the adjacent community of Zolin. A 40-year-old Ngai Shan Lun, a resident of Saw Bwar Ye Shin Village was killed and six others wounded. Volunteers who assisted the victims stated that three elderly people from Khampat’s sparsely populated Nan Sanpya ward were also injured in the attack. News reports said that junta has been conducting assaults in northern Kalay Township, and targeting areas on 22 April, despite the lack of clashes with resistance forces in recent days.

During late 2023, resistant forces seized the towns of Kawlin, Khampat, Mawlu and Shwe Pyi Aye in Sagaing Region where the junta only managed to retake Kawlin. In early January 2024, junta conducted an airstrike on Kanan that killed seventeen civilians, including nine children. While the military has cut back on ground attacks attempting to overrun the other locations, aerial assaults have increased, particularly around Khampat Village. According to locals, some 500 residents of neighbouring Kalay Township have sought refuge in Khampat Village in recent months due to the threat of further junta’s military attacks.

Junta forces trapped and bombed civilians in a town in Kachin State

According to the Irrawaddy’s news report, on 22 April 2024, three civilians were killed and three others were injured by junta shelling and airstrikes in Moemauk Township, Kachin State. Light Infantry Battalion 437, which is based outside the town, initiated the intense firing, and advanced into its center as other battalions randomly shelled civilian neighborhoods and junta jets dropped bomb. As reported by Kachin media, Momauk was pounded by the junta forces’ shelling and airstrikes before the battalion retreated from the town on Monday evening. The shelling came from junta bases in nearby Bhamo Township, while two junta fighter jets also dropped bombs. Kachin media also reported that civilian homes and religious buildings in the town were damaged and the number of KIA and junta casualties remains unknown. Two young men and a woman were killed, and two others were injured by junta shelling in Momauk, while another resident was wounded by junta airstrikes. Fighting stopped in the afternoon after troops from Light Infantry Battalion 437 retreated to their base. When the junta troops reportedly redeployed again in the town on 23 April, they arrested three town residents, and restricted the residents' movement. The whereabouts of three arrested residents were unknown at the time of reporting.

Human Rights Abuses

Myanmar military re-arresting Kachin religious leader within hours after pardoning him

According to Myanmar Now news, a unit of about 50 junta troops re-arrested former Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) Chair Dr. Hkalam Samson at his home in Myitkyina, Kachin State, on the night of his release during a nationwide prison amnesty. According to a KBC statement released on 18 April 2024, Dr. Hkalam Samson was pardoned on 17 April 2024, but the military took him back into custody around 11:30 pm the same day, claiming they had questions for him. In the statement, the ethnic Kachin religious and humanitarian organisation urged the public to pray for the wellbeing of the 65-year-old pastor and his family. At the time of reporting, the whereabouts of Dr. Samson was unknown. The Kachin State-based news outlet Kachin News Group confirmed KBC’s statement of the pastor’s re-arrest, adding that the military reportedly claimed that he would be released the following day. Dr Samson was initially arrested on 5 December 2022 at Mandalay’s Tada-U Airport before a trip to Bangkok, Thailand, for medical treatment. He was then taken to the military’s Northern Regional Command headquarters in Myitkyina. In April 2023, he was convicted in a junta-controlled court of charges around terrorism, incitement, and unlawful association and sentenced to six years in prison. During a meeting with the United States’ then- President Donald Trump in Washington DC in 2019, Dr. Samson accused Myanmar military of oppressing the country’s Christian minority. The military brought charges against him for the comments, but those charges were later dropped after he agreed to a meeting with army officials in Mandalay.

According to news, among the amnesty on 17 April 2024 in which Dr Samson was briefly included, some 3,303 prisoners nationwide were also released. Reportedly, a small number of those selected for release were political prisoners, and those among them had already served out most of their terms, largely for incitement.

Military junta arrested former deputy speaker of Mon State parliament

News reported that, on 8 April 2024, a former member of the Mon State legislature, who resigned in protest following the 2021 coup, was arrested by junta forces in Mawlamyine. Junta arrested a 54-years-old Dr. Aung Naing Oo at the exit from Mawlamyine while he was setting out to render aid to civilians displaced by recent clashes in Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State. According to the news report, junta forces accused Dr. Aung Naing Oo of funding resistance forces and detained him and his entire team. Dr. Aung Naing Oo was leading efforts to help internally displaced persons (IDPs) who had fled their homes in Dhamma Tha and other Villages of Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State impacted by junta airstrikes and shelling since March. He was traveling to provide food and necessities for the IDPs and had no involvement with resistance forces, contrary to the military's claims. As of 11 April, the whereabouts of Dr. Aung Naing Oo and his team remain unknown.

Dr. Aung Naing Oo won three consecutive elections to the Mon State Hluttaw representing the Chaung Sone Township 1 constituency as a member of the Mon Unity Party (MUP). He became deputy speaker of the legislative body in 2015. Shortly after the February 2021 coup, Dr. Aung Naing Oo and other MUP members resigned their memberships when the party’s leadership agreed to cooperate with the junta and approved its members’ acceptance of posts in the military council. Since leaving the party and stepping down from the Mon State Hluttaw, Dr. Aung Naing Oo has been engaged in community service as well as literary and cultural affairs. Earlier this year, members of another Mon ethnic organisation—the New Mon State Party (NMSP)—broke away from the group to form the Anti-Dictatorship New Mon State Party (NMSP-AD). In 2015, the NMSP was one of the ethnic armed groups that agreed to cease fire with the Myanmar military by signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement. The NMSP-AD, however, does not recognise the agreement and has fought alongside anti-junta forces such as the Karen National Liberation Army since its formation.

Military junta blocking food, water, supplies and medicines

According to the RFA, since the military junta has closed the waterways and land routes from Thandu Township beginning November 2023, there has been a shortage of basic medicine and food, and it is already causing difficulties for the residents for a long period of time.

RFA also reported that there are already problems with medicines for pregnant women and children. At the same time, elderly people are in poor health conditions due to a shortage of medicine. The cost of Marvelon birth control pills has skyrocketed from 10,000 to 40,000 Kyats, and out of all pharmacies in the city, only two cards are available. Painkillers, which used to cost about 1,500 Kyats, are also difficult to obtain consistently.

It is said that the junta military is strictly checking the medicines on the grounds that whether they are supplying medical supplies to the Arakan Army (AA) or not. Residents said that if some medical supplies are transported by air to Thandu city, they are inspected and stored at the military’s Light Infantary 566 and 55 gate stations stationed near Ngapali intersection on Thandu airport road. Currently, the Shwe Boat in Thandu Township, Mya Residents said that the fighting between the junta and the Arakan Army (AA) was intense in Purik Village and Reko Village.

Actions of Resistance Forces against the Junta

Drone bombings during the air campaign near Thailand-Myanmar Friendship Bridge No. 2

According to Thai news agency “The Nation”, Brigadier General Soe Min Thet, commander of the 44th Division, who commanded Pha Song Camp, the Infantry Battalion 275 located in Myawadi City, was killed in a battle near the Thai-Myanmar border during the third week of April. Many military personnel were killed from drone bombings during the air campaign of ethnic armed groups near Thailand-Myanmar Friendship Bridge No. 2. Brigadier General Soe Min Thet also died on the battlefield due to drone strikes.

Karen fighters seized army base near border trade post in Myanmar’s southernmost region

Myanmar Now reported that on 17 April 2024, Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) forces seized a Myanmar junta base near Htee Khee. The KNLA spokespersons also said that this base is an important trade post on the Thailand-Myanmar border in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Region. Similarly, the statement of the central executive committee of the KNU stated that the KNLA’s Brigade 4 took 48 soldiers of the army’s Infantry Battalion 103 into custody, including Battalion Commander Lt.-Col. Aung Hein, and seized 67 small and heavy weapons including a 60 mm mortar. Htee Khee is one of six border trade posts on the 1,100-mile Thailand-Myanmar border. The others are Kawthaung in Eastern Shan State, Mese in Karenni State, Myawaddy in Karen State, Tachileik in Shan State and Mawdaung in Tanintharyi Region.

Moreover, Myawaddy is the busiest of the Thailand-Myanmar border crossings, as measured by the number of people as well as the amount and value of goods moving over the border. The junta-controlled ministry of commerce’s accounting adds the value of its natural gas exports to the total value of Myanmar’s exports through Htee Khee, making it appear to generate more export revenue than it does. The junta’s loss of Htee Khee to anti-junta forces would not have as strong an effect on the revenue generated from exports as the loss of Myawaddy. Of the six border posts, only Kawthaung, Tachileik, and Mawdaung remain in the junta’s hands.

News reported that Mese is under the control of Karenni resistance forces, and clashes between the KNLA and junta forces for control of Myawaddy and Htee Khee are ongoing. The KNLA’s Brigade 4 territory includes Myeik of Dawei, the capital of Tanintharyi Region, as well as most of the area that the military junta delineates as Dawei and Myeik districts. According to the KNU, troops from IB 103—normally based in Myeik under the junta’s Coastal Regional Military Command (RMC)—had initially deployed to outposts around 18 miles north of Htee Khee on the Thai border. Padoh Saw El Nah, secretary of the KNU for Brigade 4’s territory, told Myanmar Now that during late April, the same IB 103 troops advanced to Htee Hta Village near Htee Khee to reinforce a tactical hilltop base and fended off ongoing attacks by the KNLA’s Brigade 4. The secretary also said that six IB 103 soldiers were killed in attacks on the base by the KNLA’s Brigade 4 over the following week, before the troops surrendered to the KNLA on 15 April 2024. The surrendered column had no food, no water, no way out, and many were wounded, preventing their advance. The KNU reported that the prisoners are currently being held and treated humanely in accordance with international law.

Alliance of Chin forces seized strategic town from junta after long battle

According to Myanmar Now news, after months of fighting, on 29 April 2024, an alliance of most of Chin anti-junta armed groups claimed to have seized Kyindwe Town which is located some 17 miles southwest of Kanpetlet Township, Chin State. It has around 200 households. Having initiated assaults on the town in December 2023 with the aim of seizing full control by Christmas, the joint Chin forces confronted unexpected difficulties and incurred significant losses in their four-month battle against the junta. Before the Chin armed groups’ victory, around 200 junta troops, police, and junta-allied militia members were stationed at a police station near the bank of the Mone Creek and at the school next door.

PDF’s attacks on Junta’s Defense Factory

The People’s Defence Force (PDF) announced on 17 April 2024 that revolutionary forces had successfully launched simultaneous attacks on 20 strategic targets belonging to the terrorist Military’s No. 21 Defense Industry Factory. This operation carried out by the PDF units from Magway Command of No.1 Military Region of NUG, on 16 April. While the extent of damage inflicted upon the No. 21 Defense Industry Factory is still under investigation, though it had achieved its objectives.

Resistance forces attacked air bases near Mandalay and Myitkyina

Resistance groups claimed to have attacked two strategically important junta-controlled air bases in Mandalay Region and Kachin State with electric charge-activated rockets during the third week of April 2024.

On 17 April 2024, three allied resistance groups carried out a coordinated attack on Mandalay Region’s Tada-U Air Base, which is located within the Mandalay International Airport. This is also the nearest airport to the city of Sagaing, a resistance stronghold, located on the northwest bank of the Ayeyarwady River opposite Mandalay. The fighters used five 90 mm heavy artillery shells and ten 107 mm rockets. A resistance group called the Freedom Revolution Force (FRF) announced the next day, on 18 April, that they had targeted and damaged an aircraft hangar in the attack, adding that the air base was the main facility used by the junta for launching airstrikes in the vicinity. According to the news report, the hangar housing six military planes was destroyed, with ongoing investigations into the extent of damage sustained by the aircraft. The report noted that the air base has been a persistent source of trouble for civilians nationwide, prompting it to be targeted. Additionally, it highlighted the Tada-U Air Base's role as a storage facility for junta-operated planes used in combat within the Sagaing Region.

A group called “Northern Brotherhood People’s Defence Force (PDF)” issued a statement detailing its attack on the Nam Paung Air Base on the west bank of the Ayeyarwady River a few miles southwest of Myitkyina, capital of Kachin State. Its spokesperson said that on 19 April 2024, at around 10 am, the group shot 10 charge-activated rocket shells. He added that they were still gathering information on the extent of the damage inflicted. News report mentioned that ten of the 107mm rockets were fired directly at the air force base, targeting specific areas such as the aircraft repair hangar, a storage garage, and a radar system. The air base is located between Maw Hpawng Village and Pan Ma Ti, with three city wards—Shwe Pyi Thar, Shwe Aik, and Pan Ma Ti—situated nearby. According to the Northern Brotherhood PDF’s statement, they had previously attacked the same air base in September 2023 with charge-activated 107 mm rockets, destroying several junta aircraft on the ground. The Nam Paung base is one of the air bases used by the junta air force to conduct indiscriminate airstrikes on civilian targets in Kachin State and Sagaing Region. Because most resistance groups have no access to anti-aircraft guns, they have adopted a strategy of targeting aircraft stored at air bases.

KIA and allies seized Myanmar junta’s Sezin base in Hpakant Township

Myanmar Now reported that after two weeks of fighting, on 24 April 2024, KIA and its allies seized a junta’s key base in Hpakant Township, Kachin State. News reported that the base is located in Sezin Village of about 40 miles southwest of Hpakant Town and since 9 April 2024, it had been the target of attacks by the KIA and its ally, the Kachin Region People’s Defence Force (PDF). Following the surrender of 23 police officers, the village’s police station was seized on the first day of fighting. The two groups continued to mount assaults on junta troops that stationed in a village monastery and on a nearby hill.

On 20 and 21 April, the military carried out multiple airstrikes. Two days later, a major battle broke out, lasting until all the soldiers inside the monastery retreated. Myanmar Now said that KIA and Kachin Region PDF seized the monastery around 7 pm and gained control of the base on the hill. News said that during the confrontation, resistance side sustained only minor injuries, while no junta soldiers were killed, but many were injured.

The 70 junta soldiers stationed in Sezin Village reportedly withdrew to Shwe Dwin Village, which is located just across the border in Homalin Township, Sagaing Region. According to news report, the Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA), an ethnic armed group allied to the junta military, has a base in Shwe Dwin Village. Since 7 March 2024, the KIA and its allies have seized around 70 junta bases in Momauk and Waingmaw Townships, Kachin State.

KIA seized the junta’s Infantry Battalion 141 in Sinbo

According to news reports, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and joint forces have completely seized the junta’s Infantry Battalion 141 in Sinbo, Myitkyina Township on 29 April 2024 after months of attacks. RFA reported that the attack on that IB 141 started on 26 April 2024, and completed in the morning of 29 April. During the fight, the junta’s army reportedly fought back. News also stated that many people died during the battle, including the battalion commander of the Junta’s army, as well as others from the revolutionary forces due to the airstrikes. At the time of reporting, while casualties were resulted in both sides and RFA has not been able to independently confirm the injured. KIA sources also couldn’t confirm the number of casualties on the side of KIA and joint forces. According to local residents, on the evening of 25 April, the junta forces fired aerial shots at Sinbo Town, killing one local and wounding another. On 10 February 2024, Sinbo Police Station was occupied by the revolutionary forces, and more than two months later, they continued to occupy the IB 141. During the fighting in Kachin State that started on 7 March 2024, Doctor Phoyan, Colonel Naw Bu said that more than 70 military council camps, including Sinbo, were occupied.

Revolutionary Forces intercepted and neutralized 20 junta military officers

The Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government reported on 14 April 2024 that the  revolutionary forces have successfully intercepted and eliminated 20 officers of the terrorist junta, including one captain, near Ayadaw, Kann Phyu Village. On 12 April, in Monywa District of Sagaing Region, the military  junta’s Monywa Town Supply and Transport Company 929 of the North-west Military Command dispatched five 12-wheelers and one express vehicle to No. 1 Military Region, Monywa District, to transport 250 new trainees to Ayadaw No. 10 Training Depot. Revolutionary forces involved in the attack near Kann Phyu Village, Ayadaw Township, included Monywa District Commando Force, Monywa District Armed Force, Monywa District Battalions 6, 19, and 24, Ayadaw Township PDF, Meiktila District Battalion-2, Danger Force LPDF, Black Panther LPDF, and Special Revolution Force LPDF teams.

The joint forces were guided by the PDF’s No. 1 Military Region, Monywa District. During the engagement, six weapons, along with ammunition and military equipment, were confiscated from junta forces. A total of 20 individuals, including one captain, were neutralized, while 15 sustained injuries, and 49 prisoners were apprehended. Notably, among the prisoners were individuals forcibly conscripted by the junta forces.

Revolutionary Forces triumphed over Terrorist Military Forces in Hpapun Operation

The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government announced on 26 April 2024 that their forces had prevailed over the junta’s Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 434, securing a significant cache of weapons and ammunition. The operation, initiated on 19 March 2024, in Hpapun, Hpapun District, Kayin State, culminated in the seize of the military junta’s police stations and outposts by 24 March. Revolutionary forces achieved complete control over Hpapun town on 26 March and seized the military council’s LIB 19 base stationed there on 30 March, obtaining a substantial quantity of weapons and ammunition in the process. The operation was spearheaded by the Joint Coordination Committee of the Southern Military Region and involved the Karen National Liberation Army, the People’s Defence Forces, Force For Federal Democracy, and the Bamar People’s Liberation Army.


Activities of the National Unity Government

Acting President Duwa Lashi La advocated pragmatism and unity in addressing public issues

During the National Unity Government’s (NUG) cabinet meeting on 16 April 2024, Acting President Duwa Lashi La cautioned against unnecessary embellishment in addressing and resolving public issues, stressing the necessity for practical and effective actions. He illustrated his point with the Burmese proverb, “Strike one way, hit another”. He emphasized that political discussions and solutions can only be effective if all stakeholders understand the real difficulties and problems experienced by the public. He stated that among the new political forces emerging during the Spring Revolution, there were many courageous, active, and enthusiastic young people and he believed this represents new energy for the Spring Revolution. He also underlined that all must endeavor to unite those new political forces and move forward together.

National Unity Government extends congratulations and solidarity to Wa State on 35th Anniversary

On 17 April 2024, the National Unity Government (NUG) conveyed a congratulatory message to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Wa State. In the message, the NUG reaffirmed its commitment to collaborating with the United Wa State Party to dismantle the military dictatorship and establish a genuine federal union. The NUG emphasized that true national equality, desired by ethnic communities including the Wa, can only be achieved once the oppressive military junta is entirely defeated. It reiterated its dedication to working alongside the United Wa State Party in the fight against authoritarianism and the pursuit of a genuine federal union. Furthermore, the NUG expressed profound respect and gratitude to the United Wa State Party and the Wa State Government for their steadfast protection and care of individuals who sought refuge in the Wa Self-Administered Division during Operation 1027. This acknowledgment underscores the importance of solidarity and cooperation in ensuring the safety and well-being of all people affected by conflict and oppression.

Statement by Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN for Youth Amid Military Council’s Forced Recruitment

On 17 April 2024, at the UNHQ in New York, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun delievered a statement urging the international community to remember the plight of Myanmar’s youth who are fleeing and hiding due to the terrorist Military Council’s illegal forced recruitment. His remarks were made during the 2024 Youth Forum and related meeting at the United Nations Headquarters under the Economic and Social Council. He highlighted how the unlawful recruitment of soldiers by the oppressive military junta has exacerbated the challenges faced by Myanmar’s people, forcing many youth into hiding or fleeing to foreign countries, consequently depriving them of a promising future. Furthermore, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun underscored the pivotal role of youth in shaping Myanmar’s future, urging the international community not to overlook their aspirations. He called upon global stakeholders to align their efforts with the 2030 Agenda and to take decisive and inclusive measures in accordance with the principle of leaving no one behind.

NUG warned of forced Rohingya Conscription by terrorist military junta

On 21 April 2024, the National Unity Government (NUG) issued a statement revealing the terrorist junta’s forced conscription of Rohingya residents in Rakhine, aimed at stoking ethnic tensions. The NUG urged vigilance among residents in Rakhine against the terrorist military council’s divisive tactics, emphasizing the need for mutual respect and understanding to foster trust between ethnic and religious groups. Furthermore, the announcement highlighted the junta’s terrorist activities in Buthidaung, including burning of houses and offices belonging to international humanitarian organizations.

National Unity Government and Allied Forces Ready to Collaborate with Thai

Government for Thai-Myanmar Border Cross Aid Delivery

On 21 April 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government, along with allied ethnic revolutionary forces, declared their readiness to collaborate with the government of Thailand and relevant organizations in assisting Myanmar citizens across all sectors. According to the Ministry, clashes between the junta troops and revolutionary forces in Myawaddy and surrounding areas along the Thai-Myanmar border have resulted in the deliberate targeting of civilians. As a consequence, thousands of local residents have fled to Mae Sot, Tak Province, and neighboring areas. The Ministry urgently called upon relevant officials to provide essential humanitarian aid and accommodations. They emphasized that the number of displaced individuals is expected to increase as long as the military junta persists in its targeting and attacks on civilians and local infrastructure.

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe participating at World Health Summit


On 24 April 2024, Prof. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, the Union Minister for Health and for Education of the National Unity Government, participated in a session titled “Geopolitics and Health: Achieving equity in a divided world” at the World Health Summit held in Melbourne, Australia. During the meeting, the Union Minister emphasized the importance of listening to the voices of the people, communities, and countries to shape future healthcare initiatives.

Responses and remarks from the International Community

Three Thai Ministers visited Mae Sot during tensions in Myanmar

On 23 April 2024, Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, visited Mae Sot district in Tak province, the border with Myanmar, on behalf of Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, along with Anutin Chanvirakul, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Suthin Klangsaeng, the Minister of Defence. This visit took place during the uncertain period of fighting in Myawaddy town. They aimed to receive the latest developments of the situation along the Thailand-Myanmar border, and to give support to local agencies and people in Mae Sot. Deputy Prime Minister Parnpree and the delegation discussed with the Governor of Tak Province and representatives from relevant agencies and were briefed of latest situation developments along the Thailand-Myanmar border, especially the safety and livelihood of the local people in Mae Sot, and developments at the 1st and 2nd Thailand-Myanmar Friendship Bridges.


Thailand offers to mediate in Myanmar conflict, urges ASEAN involvement amid violence 

According to Benar news report, during his visit to the border, Thailand’s Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara said that Thailand is ready to act as a mediator in the conflict in Myanmar and help bring about a comprehensive resolution to fighting between junta forces and rebel groups. He revealed that initial discussions had already taken place with various parties in Myanmar, including the military government and ethnic groups, some of which are armed, and that Thailand was also looking to enlist support from the ASEAN. The Foreign Minister emphasized the importance of ASEAN‘s involvement in resolving the crisis, given Myanmar‘s membership in the regional bloc. He said Thailand had communicated this stance to ASEAN and expected a response soon, potentially leading to a bloc-level meeting. News also stated that Chalida Tajaroensuk, Director of the People‘s Empowerment Foundation, said Thailand needed to look beyond immediate issues and engage with a broader range of stakeholders. She urged the Thai government to expand its humanitarian assistance, underlineg that Thailand should do more than just one humanitarian corridor because the impact on the Myanmar people is much greater and that multiple aid locations should be established across the country.

Assistant High Commissioner of UNHCR applauded Indonesia’s humanitarian traditions on refugee protection

According to news release from UNHCR on 25 April 2024, the UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner of for Protection, Ruvendrini Menikdiwela, concluded her three-day visit to Aceh and Jakarta, Indonesia, emphasizing the crucial role of the Government and local communities in providing protection for people fleeing violence, including Rohingya refugees. She expressed gratitude to the Indonesian government and host communities throughout the country for the noble tradition of welcoming refugees over the years. She also conveyed UNHCR’s hope that Indonesians would continue to show solidarity to Rohingya refugees. She applauded the important role of local authorities and communities in allowing rescue and disembarkation of boats in distress and stressed that timely response is crucial to avoid the loss of lives. She offered UNHCR’s continued support to the government in response coordination, providing humanitarian assistance to those disembarked, engaging host communities in initiatives and activities, and seeking to strengthen regional and global support for the Rohingya response and solutions. 





Date: 30 April 2024

Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the United Nations, New York


Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations, New York

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+1 (212) 744-1271, (212) 744 -1275

Consular Matters

10 East, 77th Street, New York, NY. 10075

+1 (212) 744-1279

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